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Please scroll down to see earlier programs or see archive programs pages.

August 3, 2014 – Professor Pamela Keller, Head of the Art department at Athens State University will present, “Good Art, Bad Theology”. 
Our always-limited and often toxic image of God - a God who often reflects our culture, our biases, our economic, political, and military systems is even today reinforced by our awe and love of many historic treasures in the art world.  These great works of art have become images we hold in our mind’s eye, which speaks to the genius of the artist but not equally to the correctness of the message.  It becomes freeing to let God be a God who is…, greater than our culture, our traditions, our immediate needs, and our projections when we critically examine the artistic masterpieces that have formed our images of God. 

August 10, 2014 –   Dr. Robert Adler will present, “Pope Pius XII Helped My Father Survive the Holocaust”.
The son of a survivor from Vienna, Austria, Robert Adler is a recently retired Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of North Alabama.  He is a member of the Temple B’nai Israel in Florence and was its Congregation President in 2006, 2007 and 2012.  He is presently a commissioner on the Alabama Holocaust Commission and a member of its Holocaust Education Committee. Born in Brooklyn, Dr. Adler earned his B.A. at Queens College in New Your City and the University of Seville in Spain.  He earned his Master’s and Doctorate in Modern Foreign Languages at Washington University in St. Louis.  His doctoral dissertation dealt with the portrayal of Jewish converts in Nineteenth Century Spanish literature and he has continued to study the role of Jews and Jewish converts in Spain up to the present day. He served in the US Army Signal Corps in Germany and has lived in Alabama since 1981 having taught at UAB, Birmingham Southern College and the University of Montevallo before going to UNA in 1994. 

August 17, 2014 – Ken Johnson will present, “The Third Lifetime”. 
Of all the important breakthroughs of modern history, for us there is one that makes them all worthwhile.  These breakthroughs pale in comparison to one accomplishment: the addition of thirty years to the average human lifespan.  In effect, we have been given a third lifetime to add on to youth and middle age.

August 24, 2014 – Dr. Carl Gebhardt, retired minister of First Christian Church and adjunct professor of religion at UNA, will present a program entitled “What Sidetracks Your Progress?”

August 31, 2014 – Dr. Carl Gebhardt, retired minister of First Christian Church and adjunct professor of religion at UNA, will present a program entitled “What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?”

July 6, 2014 – Ken Johnson will present, “Can You hear ME Now?”  Learning to listen to life, the universe and ourselves.  In fashioning our lives, there are a few basic reference points we can use as we make our journey.  We will discuss an alternative approach to life besides “problem solving”. 

July 13, 2014 – Daphne Simpkins will present, “Notions about Chicken Pit Road and Other “Thin Places”.  Pure delight in “what is” can happen anywhere.  These moments of feeling at one with the world around you and joyful about that union typically defy categorization but are sometimes referred to as “thin places.”  Almost any artistic form can translate or report that experience better than words, but we will try to find the right words in this presentation that honors our common experience of those inexplicable moments when we sense or experience “the mysterious power that pervades everything” that Mahatma Gandhi spoke of in his 1931 Spiritual Message to the World.

“There is an indefinable, mysterious power that pervades everything.  I felt it, though I do not see it.  It is this unseen power that makes itself felt and yet defies all proof, because it is so unlike all that I perceive through my senses.”  Mahatma Gandhi, 1931

July 20, 2014 – Kick off the W.C. Handy Festival in a cool, dry place!  Join us for a fun time with The Blue Navigators!  The Blue Navigators are a local band comprised of Toni and Kenneth Brooks, Tim Kelley and Ernie Fite.  The Blue Navigators perform a wide range of music from blues to folk to rock and roll.  It’s Handy Time and the UU is the place to be to start a fantastic week of music, blues and hot summertime fun! 

July 27, 2014 – Dr. Carl Gebhardt, retired minister of First Christian Church and adjunct professor of religion at UNA, will present, “The Web of All Existence”.  Carl will continue to look at the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism. 


June 1, 2014 – Ken Johnson will present, “Returning to Community from Reaction and Rejection- Overcoming the Effects of
Abusive Religion”. 

June 8, 2014 – Ken Sizemore, musician, songwriter and folk music performer from Panama City, Florida will present “The Music of Jimmy Buffett”. 

June 15, 2014 – Dr. Carl Gebhardt, retired minister of First Christian Church and adjunct professor of religion at UNA, will present, “Liberty, Justice, and World Community”.    This program is a continuation of the discussion of the Seven Principles in Unitarian Universalism.

June 22, 2014 – Bill Parkhurst will present, “The Off-Center Cross: A Universalist Considers Jesus of Nazareth”.

June 29, 2014 – Flower Communion Service.  The first Flower Communion service was initiated on June 4, 1923 in Prague when Norbert Capek saw the need to unite the diverse congregants of his church by honoring the universal beauty of nature with a communion of flowers.  In this service, congregants are asked to bring a flower to contribute to a central vase and then each congregant takes home a different flower to honor and symbolize the diversity of the church.  Please bring a flower. Extra flowers will be provided for those who are not able to bring a flower to the service. 
Don't forget that this Sunday is the flower communion service so be sure and bring a flower to the service.  After the service we will have a potluck meal in honor of Kai Zhang who has been playing piano for us for two years.  Kai will be going back to China soon so we would like to celebrate his being with us and wish him good luck in the future. Please bring a dish to share.


May 4, 2014 – Ken Johnson will present, “The Big Picture of Our Liberal Faith: A Spiritual Framework For Meaningful Living”. 

May 11, 2014 – The husband and wife team, Amber Murray and Nathan Pitts, better known as "The Bear," will present a musical program of original songs.  Nathan and Amber are local musicians who are rapidly rising to fame throughout the South and the U.S. with their unique sound of Americana music. 

May 18, 2014 – Dr. Carl Gebhardt, retired minister of First Christian Church in Florence and Adjunct Professor of Religion at UNA has been exploring the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism, on this Sunday he will present, “Acceptance, Encouragement, and Spiritual Growth”. 

May 25, 2014 – Dr. Carl Gebhardt, retired minister of First Christian Church in Florence and Adjunct Professor of Religion at UNA has been exploring the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism, on this Sunday he will present, “ Conscience and Democratic Process”. 


April 6, 2014 – Dr. Carl Gebhardt will present, “Intellectual Honesty and the Right of Conscience” 

April 13, 2014 – Cindy and Gerald Crawford will present, “The Many Faces of Modern China”.  The discussion begins with President Nixon's visit in 1972 to normalize relations with China. Then came the "opening up" and free market economic reforms of 1978 which led to great economic development.  Photos and viewpoints of Chinese people - from Tibet to Hong Kong - will be presented on a wide range of topics .

April 20, 2014 – Ken Johnson will present, “Staying Focused in an Age of Distraction:  Developing a Personal Plan for Focused Awareness.”  “When you get right down to it, we either believe we are the choice maker or we don’t.  When you see the rampant unhappiness and victimization in our culture, it’s clear that most people don’t see that we do have this choice.  At the same time, when you take a step back and think about it, it’s pretty obvious.  If we aren’t the choice maker, who is?  If we don’t decide what kind of day we’re going to have, who does?”  Richard Carlson

April 27, 2014 – Daphne Simpkins will present, “Technology is Not the Boss of You or Me”.  With respect to Neil Postman’s remarks in “Amusing Ourselves to Death” this presentation about technology’s omnipresence in our lives will not be focused on the fear of cultural erosions caused by the plethora of amusement devices or even the loss of privacy attributed to social media communication.  Rather, we will look at the shift in our culture that made computers possible, and in that shift, how we possibly and quite wrongly accepted the confining premise that we would forever be bossed around or bullied by the technology that supposedly facilitates our daily lives.


March 2, 2014 – Daphne Simpkins will present, “Developing a Talent for Living”.  “Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death,”  said Auntie Mame played by Rosalind Russell.  What is this banquet—this talent for living—and is it possible to develop it?  Today we will look at Patrick Dennis’ Auntie Mame, Louise Pierson’s Roughly Speaking, and Brennan Mannings’ The Ragamuffin Gospel and consider ways to develop our own talent for living. 

March 9, 2014 – Dr. Carl Gebhardt, retired minister at First Christian Church will be presenting a series of programs on the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism.  The first talk is entitled, “Worth, Dignity, and Justice”.   

March 16, 2014 – Ken Johnson will present, “Staying Focused in an Age of Distraction:  Spirituality” . “We have religion when we have an abiding gratitude for all we have received.  We have religion when we look upon people with all their failings and still find them good, when we look beyond people to the grandeur in nature and to the purpose in our own heart.  We have religion when we have done all we can do, and then in confidence entrust ourselves to the life that is larger than ourselves.”  Ralph N. Halverson 

March 23, 2014 – The Blue Navigators will present a musical program of folk, rock, and blues and more.  Tim Kelley, Toni and Kenneth Brooks and Ernie Fite will do their best to entertain you with music and songs and have you singing along.  Come join us for a fun and entertaining morning!

March 30, 2014 – Ken Johnson will present, Staying Focused in an Age of Distraction:  Quality of Life”.  “Spirit of life, come unto me.  Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion.  Blow in the wind, rise in the sea; move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice.  Roots hold me close; wings set me free.  Spirit of life, come to me, come to me.”  Carolyn McDade


February 2, 2014 “Exploring Mars to Improve Life on Earth”.  Sending humans to Mars on a scientific mission will reveal new facts about the human place in the Universe.  It will create international cooperation, peace, prosperity, jobs and authentic novelty and excitement to inspire everyone on Earth.  This illustrated slide show touches on the history of exploration beyond the Earth from Galileo to the Apollo Moon mission and into the future and draws on the writings of philosophers, scientists and theologians. 

Presented by Marvin Hilton, Mars Society member and presenter of space exploration programs from 1988 to 2012, at Unitarian Universalists Churches across the country and at the annual International Mars Society Conventions.  He is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville, Arkansas , National Space Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Union of Concerned Scientists, SETI and the OMNI Center for Peace, Justice & Ecology.

February 9, 2014 – Dr. Carl Gebhardt will present, “The Lost ( and found) Gospels and Coptic ( Gnostic) Worldview”. 

February 16, 2014 – Ken Johnson will present, “Staying Focused in an Age of Distraction:  Staying Focused”.  “Why should we live in such a hurry and waste of life?  We are determined to be starved before we are hungry.  I wish to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life.  I wish to learn what life has to teach, and not, when I come to die, discover that I have not lived.”  Henry David Thoreau

February 23, 2014 – Ken Johnson will present, “Staying Focused in an Age of Distraction:  What Matters – Meaningful Activity”  “The place God calls us to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”  Frederich Buechner. 


January 5, 2014 – Daphne Simpkins will present, “Living on Earthquake Island”.  Using the metaphor of an island that rises up out of the ocean in response to an earthquake, this presentation will address mapping the features of your interior world that are often revealed through catastrophes and, less dramatically, through routine daily life.  The goal?  Achieving peace of mind whatever the current landscape of your life looks like.  Text referenced for this discussion:  PEACE OF MIND by Rabbi Joshua Loth Liebman.

January 12, 2014 – Ken Johnson from Murfreesboro, TN will be the speaker.

January 19, 2014 – Dr. Carl Gebhardt and Ruth Anne Mak will present, “Meditative Techniques and Their Effect on Body and Soul”.

January 26, 2014 – Ken Johnson from Murfreesboro, TN will be the speaker.  His topic will be “Staying Focused in an Age of Distraction:  Life in an Age of Distraction”

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

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Calendar of Events for December


December 1, 2013 – Bill Parkhurst will present, “Travels with Sheena”.  With profuse apologies to John Steinbeck, Bill Parkhurst will attempt to get us into the holiday spirit through the medium of considered reflection on pets he has known, Charles Dickens and Christmases past.  As usual, Bill will be speaking without a net and hoping that the audience will help him get through.  Leave all thoughts of Bah Humbug and Ayn Rand at home and, please, dress casually!

December 8, 2013 – David Walton, local musician and songwriter will present an acoustic program of original music on the guitar and bamboo flute.

December 15, 2013 – Ken Johnson will present, “The Importance of Being Good – For Nothing”.  No external power is forcing us to meet our obligations to work for justice even when we are at times discouraged.  We are truly moved on our own, moved not by the “cudgel but an inward music: the irresistible power of unarmed truth, the powerful attractions of its example.” 

December 19, 2013 – Winter Solstice Celebration, featuring Annette Harman on the harp. Refreshments following the service.  Service begins at 7:00 p.m.  Childcare provided.

December 22, 2013 – Dr. Carl Gebhardt will present, “Understanding Suffering: What Can It Teach Us?”

December 29, 2013 – December 29, 2013 – Ken Johnson will present, “What Diem Do We Really Want to Carpe?  Maybe we need some
un-resolutions for the new year?” 

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

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Calendar of Events for November


November 3, 2013 – Daphne Simpkins will present, “Driving With the Windows Down—Living With the Windows Open”.  The spirit of Unitarian Universalism is explored in this presentation that explores the ideal life of living without labels, without pretense, without self-dense or self-justification attached to doctrine and with openness to what others believe.  ( In short, it is about seeking the pure freedom of becoming a spiritual nudist.)

November 10, 2013 - Dr. Carl Gebhardt, Adjunct Professor at the University of North Alabama and Retired Pastor at the First Christian Church, Florence, will present, “Sacred Writing” in the World’s Religions.

November 17, 2013 – Ken Johnson will present, “Where Spiritual and Social Meet”.  At least one aspect of spirituality is overcoming our narcissism, our preoccupation with non-stop celebration of self.  Promotion of justice, equity, and compassion in human relations is as vital as acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregation.

November 24, 2013 – Ken Johnson will present, “Ten Commandments For Happy Warriors”.  It takes more than opinions to build the Beloved Community of Love and Justice.  It will take a cadre of militant mystics whose gratitude for living is so pervasive it overflows into the social life. 

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

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Calendar of Events for October


October 6, 2013 – Chuck Morgret will present, First Principles”.  First Principles are those fundamental building blocks on which we base our philosophy of life and our way of looking at the world, and on the basis of which we decide what to do and how to act.  It’s easy to lose track of the difference between our fundamental principles and the rules, guidelines and values derived from them.  I feel we place too much emphasis on the importance of “standing up for what we believe in” and not enough on critically examining our beliefs, on ensuring that our actions truly are consistent with our fundamental view of the world. 

October 13, 2013 – Ken Johnson will present, “Spiritual Materialism”.  It’s possible to read about simplicity and freedom as we become more complicated and attached.  One of the most valuable skills we can develop as we travel the spiritual path is the ability to know the difference between genuine spirituality and “spiritual materialism”.  In the self-help literature and spiritual-growth programs available it appears that American inclinations mimic our love of fast food. 

October 20, 2013 – Dr. Carl Gebhardt, Adjunct Professor at the University of North Alabama and Retired Pastor at the First Christian Church, Florence, will present, “The Bible and Women in Religious Culture”.

October 27, 2013 – Ken Johnson will present, “THE MISSING BODY”.  We are not spiritual beings trapped in a carnal existence.  “Spirit” is dancing in our molecular structure and flowing in our bloodstream.  Physical form is the way we experience spiritual reality on earth.  Many of us have disowned our bodies out of the shame and ignorance of our cultural and religious training.  In the Landscape of the Body we are given the opportunity to return the body to the sacred fold. 

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

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Calendar of Events for September


September 1, 2013 -  Ken Johnson will present, “ Please Don’t Squeeze the Shaman!”  “Green religions” and “paganism” are becoming increasingly popular.  If you think it’s easier to find God in nature than in a building or a book, you may be a pagan without realizing it!

September 8, 2013 - Ken Johnson will present, “Ecology is the new Theology!”  The ultimate health challenge we all face is to create effective ways to save the planet’s wonderful web of life.  To love ourselves and others effectively involves loving in widening circles of caring for the entire biosphere. 

September 15, 2013 - Ruth Anne Mak will present, “Motives, Choices, and our Personal History”.  We want to help others, but why?  We will consider why we make the choices we do and where the urge to “fix” people and take charge of situations comes from.  There are many reasons we do what we do, including discomfort or fear, which can lead to a need to control, and of course an honest desire to help others.  But how do we know which it is and when does it cross from healthy to unhealthy?  This is a discussion on becoming aware of our motives and making conscious choices in accordance with our spiritual values. 

September 22, 2013 - Dale Barrington will present “Vignettes on the Back Burner”. Mr. Barrington attends the Tullahoma Unitarian Universalist Church and is often a speaker there and at the UU Congregation of the Shoals. 

September 29, 2013 - Carl Gebhardt will present, “The Bible and Homosexuality”.  Mr. Gebhardt is retired from his position with First Christian Church and preaches at various churches in the Shoals area.  He also teaches religion courses at UNA as an adjunct professor.    

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

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Calendar of Events for August


August 4, 2013  Bill Parkhurst, longtime Unitarian Universalist and member of the UUCS, will present, “All That and a Bag of Chips:  Thoughts on Religious Truth” Everybody likes a good story and many great religious thinkers often ponder such things as the number of angels dancing on the head of a pin.  The convergence of fact, allegory, simile and poetry set in a specific social/cultural context lends itself to incredibly complex metaphysical constructs and flights of fancy which often underpin the very foundations of religious belief.  So, putting it more simply, what happens when a UU removes the “woo woo”?  Do the messages become more or less clear?  Let us spend a bit of time discussing simplicity of the world’s wisdom traditions. 

August 11, 2013 – Ken Johnson,  member at the UU Church of Murfreesboro, TN, will present, “Facing Up to Tragedy”.  Spirituality may provide us with an inspiring perspective when our lives are going well.  But, it “goes to work” most when it helps us to find meaning in  life that has gone very wrong. 

August 18, 2013 – Ruth Anne Mak, member at the UU Congregation of the Shoals and Reiki master, will present, “Embracing Our Shadow Selves” The concept of the “shadow self” is known in many disciplines, including psychology, Reiki, and shamanism, as well as most religions.  Those parts of us that we may deny, be unaware of, or try to hide from sight are valuable parts of us since they are important for us to understand if we want to be all we are meant to be.  This will be a discussion of what the Shadow Self is, why it is there, why it is important to understand and accept those parts of ourselves, and how we can become healthier and stronger by embracing them. 

August 25, 2013 – Ken Johnson, member of the UU Church of Murfreesboro, TN, will present, “Spirituality for the Skeptic?”  Why would an atheist go to church?  Sometimes we confuse “spirituality” with the worst forms of religion.  Is there an option other than self-righteous hypocrisy and mindless “self-help” platitudes?  What does religion have to offer?  Or, should we ditch it all together?

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

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Calendar of Events for July


July 7, 2013 Ken Johnson will present, “Radical Civility: The Kindness Revolution” It is hard to think of a time when the compassionate voice of religion is more needed.  How can we respond?  We will discuss some ideas from Karen Armstrong’s “Twelve-Steps to a Compassionate Life.”

July 14, 2013 Ken Johnson will present, “You and It”. Philosopher Martin Buber described one way of relating to other as an “I-It” “Instrumental” way.  In this discussion, we will look at the heart of the psychopath – what has been called “The Dark Triad”

July 21, 2013The Blue Navigators will kick off the Handy Festival with a musical program consisting of blues, folk, traditional, rock and all music in-between.  Come join us in the cool for a fun and relaxing start to the Handy week celebration!   

July 28, 2013 Dr. Larry Bates, Professor of Psychology at UNA, will present, “Little Big Things Learned in the Woods”.  Almost all of our experiences teach us something.  Those learning experiences not only involve an education about our surroundings, but often include a bit of learning about ourselves.  My most recent hobby acquisition is hiking and this talk is about some life lessons learned in the woods that spill over into other areas of life. 

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

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Calendar of Events for June


June 2, 2013 – Ken Johnson will present, “I’m Right, You’re Biased”.  Hypocrisy and other fun things we find in the mirror.  Like Jesus and Buddha said, it is easy to spot a cheater when our eyes are looking outward, but hard when looking inward. 

June 9, 2013 – Dr. Robert England, History Professor at NWSCC, will present, “Denominations in the American Revolution”.

June 16, 2013 – Ken Johnson will present, “Strongholds of the Mind”.  Understanding how our core beliefs color and distort our worlds- and gaining some insight into how to name our “strongholds” and dismantle them.

June 23, 2013 – Ken Sizemore, singer/ musician known as “The Old Folkie” will present an acoustic program entitled, Standing on the Side of Love.

June 30, 2013 Doug Traversa, recently ordained UU minister from Tullahoma TN, will present, “Wisdom from the Works of Kurt Vonnegut”.

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

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Calendar of Events for May


MAY 5, 2013 – James Robinson, Founder and Executive Director of GLBT Advocacy & Youth Services, Inc. will present, “The LGBT Community in Alabama” Physical, emotional, and spiritual needs we’ve recognized and our response.  GLBT Advocacy & Youth Services, Inc. is dedicated to engaging in effective advocacy for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people.  They are committed to ensuring the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of youth and young adults struggling due to sexual orientation or gender identity issues.  James Robinson has a BA in Political Science from Auburn University and MA Ed in Special Education from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.  He established GLBT Advocacy & Youth Services, Inc. after he began a personal search for deeper meaning in his life.  After surviving years of drug abuse, he recognized that his struggle lay in the fact that he was living a partially closeted life as a gay man.  Recognizing a greater purpose in his life he set out to provide support to people who are struggling with issues relayed to sexual orientation or gender identity.  Robinson knows that many people face rejection by their families and loved ones.  After finding community support, GLBT Advocacy & Youth Services, Inc., was formed in November of 2009. 
Also, After service Potluck Lunch honoring Kai, our pianist and UU member Simon Mak. Both are graduating from UNA this May. Bring a dish to share if you can. We hope to see you there on Sunday.

MAY 12, 2013 - Ken Johnson with present, “Above Us Only Sky”.  The idea that ethical living depended on the authority of a supernatural deity has pervaded human culture for millennia.  We are now moving rapidly beyond that belief- but to what?  How do we respond AFTER the death of mythical religion?

MAY 19, 2013 – Bill Parkhurst will lead a discussion on Hinduism ( Religious Literacy Project).  Mr. Parkhurst states, “None of the world’s great wisdom traditions, in my opinion, covers the waterfront like Hinduism which lovingly embraces myriad manifestations of God in a richly woven tapestry of literature, art, ritual and devotion”.  Let us spend a few minutes considering the breadth and depth of some of the central tenets and touchstones of this glorious and ancient faith. 

MAY 26, 2013 – Ken Johnson will present, “Give me that old time religion! Really?”  What characteristics must a viable religion for the 21st century include?

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

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Calendar of Events for April


April 7, 2013 – Carl Gebhardt and Tom Osborne will present, “Christianity, Judaism, and Rome”.   Carl is retired as minister of First Christian Church in Florence, but continues to preach at various places while teaching courses at UNA as an adjunct professor.  Tom is retired as head of the History Department at UNA and serves as deacon at Grace Church in Sheffield.  This is an abbreviated discussion of the class, by the same title, that will be taught this fall at UNA. 

April 14, 2013 – Ken Johnson will present, “Cultivate Spiritual Intelligence: Develop Wisdom and Understand Life”.  This is Practice 6 based on the book, Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh. 

April 21, 2013 – Daphne Simpkins will present, “Wisdom’s Relationship To You”.  Perspective is one stance.  Wisdom is a different one.  Does wisdom lead to peace and can it ever lead to fun?  Or is peace a matter of perspective that is worn down over time and fun only a rumor that unwise people enjoy?  In this dialogue, we will explore various ways to wisdom and attempt to find the one that best suits you and the UU perspective.

April 28, 2013 – Ken Johnson will present, “Express Spirit in Action: Embrace Generosity and the Joy of Service”.  This is Practice 7 based on the book, Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh. 

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

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Calendar of Events for March


March 3, 2013 The Blue Navigators will perform a variety of music ranging from folk, rock, and country to blues and traditional.   The Blue Navigators are a local band comprised of Tim Kelley, Ernie Fite and Toni and Kenneth Brooks.  They have been playing together as a band for over ten years and have been friends for much longer than that.  Come enjoy a fun filled service of music. 

March 10, 2013 – Ken Johnson will present, “Concentrate and Calm Your Mind”.  This is the fourth lesson based on the book Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh.

March 17, 2013 – Bill Parkhurst will present, “Intimations of God- A View from the Cheap Seats”.  A brief overview of what some of the world’s greatest religions/philosophies tell us about the existence and nature of God.  True believers, agnostics and atheists will all have something to cheer about since when all is said and done…much more will be said than done.  This presentation is in honor of Kathryn Rice who enjoys a good question more than good answers.  Come and let is talk.  Casual clothing encouraged. 

March 24, 2013 – Ken Johnson will present, “Awaken Your Spiritual Vision: See Clearly and Recognize the Sacred in All Things”.  This is the fifth lesson based on the book Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh.

March 31, 2013 – Ruth Anne Mak will present, “The Value of Digging a Really Big Hole”. 

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

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Calendar of Events for February


February 3, 2013 - Ken Johnson, will present, “Cultivate Emotional Wisdom: Heal Your Heart and Learn to Love”.  This is the second in a series of lessons from the book, Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh.

February 10, 2013 – ken Johnson will present, “Live Ethically: Feel Good by Doing Good”.  This is the third in a series of lessons from the book, Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh.

February 17, 2013 – Daphne Simpkins, will present, “An Extravagant Love”.  Sometimes giving sacrificially of our lives and time feels like bliss—the culmination of a heart’s yearning.  But what about those other knocks upon our doors for various gifts and donations of our money, time and feelings?  How do you rightly discern the ways you are intended to give of your means and yourself without depleting your emotions and your budget?  This presentation will focus on the discussion of stewardship and sacrifice and how far we want to go in investigating the bliss of experiencing an extravagant love. 

February 24, 2013 – Ethel Morgan Smith, Associate Professor of English and Poetry at  West Virginia University, will present, “ The Real Help”.  Ms. Smith has a M.F.A. from Hollins College in VA.  She was born in Louisville, Alabama.  In addition to teaching at West Virginia University, she has also taught at the University  of Tubingen, Randolph Macon Woman’s College, and Virginia Tech.  She is the author of From Whence Cometh My Help: The African American Community at Hollins College”  which addresses the relationships between white female students and their black servants before and after the Civil War.  Foundation Award.  Her work has been published in national and international journals, including Callaloo and African American Review.  She is also the recipient of the Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship in Bellagio, Italy, a Fulbright Fellowship to Germany, Visiting Artist – American Academy Rome, DuPont Fellowship, and Brandeis University- Women’s Research Center-Visiting Fellow.  Her essay “Love Means Nothing” was the winner of the 2005 Mid-Atlantic Arts

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

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Calendar of Events for January


January 6, 2013 - Ken Johnson will present, "What are "Spiritual Practices?" What do they do and how do they do it?   Mr. Johnson will begin a series of talks on the  seven practices from the book Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh.  

January 13, 2013 - Chuck Morgret, member at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tullahoma, TN and Aerospace Engineer, will present, "The Neverending Story".  The latest chapter in his ongoing spiritual journey, in which he explores some interesting parallels and overlaps between religious traditions, and further attempts to weave themes into some sort of universal truth.  He will leave you with some new perspectives to ponder.  

January 20, 2013 - Ken Johnson will present, "Transform Your Motivation: Reduce Your Craving and Find Your Soul's Desire".  This lesson will be based on the book Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh. 

January 27, 2013 - David Walton, singer/songwriter from Sheffield will present an acoustic program of original music on guitar and bamboo flute.  


Services begin at 11 a.m., Coffee hour follows service.

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