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Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

 -2013 -

Calendar of Events for February


February 3, 2013 - Ken Johnson, will present, “Cultivate Emotional Wisdom: Heal Your Heart and Learn to Love”.  This is the second in a series of lessons from the book, Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh.

February 10, 2013 – ken Johnson will present, “Live Ethically: Feel Good by Doing Good”.  This is the third in a series of lessons from the book, Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh.

February 17, 2013 – Daphne Simpkins, will present, “An Extravagant Love”.  Sometimes giving sacrificially of our lives and time feels like bliss—the culmination of a heart’s yearning.  But what about those other knocks upon our doors for various gifts and donations of our money, time and feelings?  How do you rightly discern the ways you are intended to give of your means and yourself without depleting your emotions and your budget?  This presentation will focus on the discussion of stewardship and sacrifice and how far we want to go in investigating the bliss of experiencing an extravagant love. 

February 24, 2013 – Ethel Morgan Smith, Associate Professor of English and Poetry at  West Virginia University, will present, “ The Real Help”.  Ms. Smith has a M.F.A. from Hollins College in VA.  She was born in Louisville, Alabama.  In addition to teaching at West Virginia University, she has also taught at the University  of Tubingen, Randolph Macon Woman’s College, and Virginia Tech.  She is the author of From Whence Cometh My Help: The African American Community at Hollins College”  which addresses the relationships between white female students and their black servants before and after the Civil War.  Foundation Award.  Her work has been published in national and international journals, including Callaloo and African American Review.  She is also the recipient of the Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship in Bellagio, Italy, a Fulbright Fellowship to Germany, Visiting Artist – American Academy Rome, DuPont Fellowship, and Brandeis University- Women’s Research Center-Visiting Fellow.  Her essay “Love Means Nothing” was the winner of the 2005 Mid-Atlantic Arts

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals

 -2013 -

Calendar of Events for January


January 6, 2013 - Ken Johnson will present, "What are "Spiritual Practices?" What do they do and how do they do it?   Mr. Johnson will begin a series of talks on the  seven practices from the book Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh.  

January 13, 2013 - Chuck Morgret, member at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tullahoma, TN and Aerospace Engineer, will present, "The Neverending Story".  The latest chapter in his ongoing spiritual journey, in which he explores some interesting parallels and overlaps between religious traditions, and further attempts to weave themes into some sort of universal truth.  He will leave you with some new perspectives to ponder.  

January 20, 2013 - Ken Johnson will present, "Transform Your Motivation: Reduce Your Craving and Find Your Soul's Desire".  This lesson will be based on the book Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh. 

January 27, 2013 - David Walton, singer/songwriter from Sheffield will present an acoustic program of original music on guitar and bamboo flute.  


Services begin at 11 a.m., Coffee hour follows service.

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